

CDIP Education Support Program: 

Education Support Program (SISOK) of CDIP started on 1st April 2005, from Salimganj branch in Brahmanbaria. At the very begining this program was limited to prepear the class lessons for the children of illiterate and poor parents with the aim of preventing student dropout from primary schools. Soon after that, physical and mental development initiative as well as moral lessons were introduced in this program, such as cleanliness and personal hygienic, cultural activities etc. In 2015 receptions for the most elderly men and women was added in the annual cultural events of the education support program. Most pragmatic and time demanded useful child education Nature Study came next. It was also a brainchild of the fouder Executive Director of CDIP latte Mohammad Yahiya. It was introduced in the Education Support Program in 2016. 

In Education Support Program CDIP is using Now out of 201 branches of CDIP in 138 branches are steering this program. 139 Education Supervisors and 2,790 teachers are running the program under the supervision of CDIP Education Support Program management team. The total number students vary month to month. In March 2023 there were 57661 students. Among them 31149 were girls and 26512 were boys. The Education Support Program of CDIP is now using modern information and communication technologies. The Education Supervisors use to send the online monthly report from their working branch to The CDIP Head Office using these technologies. They also connected each-other as well as Head Office officials through their WhatsApp group.  

CDIP supports the primary education of the Government of Bangladesh. The teachers of the Learning Centers help her students to prepare their primary school class-lessons to prevent the dropout of the primary schools. in the Learning Centers of CDIP, the students of pre-primary class, class one and two. The teachers are not only help their students class lessons, they also practice them cleanliness as well as personal hygiene, co-curricular and cultural activities. Each and every Learning Center Arranges cultural week in the last month of the year. 

In every learning Center there is a committee of the guardians. In every month they meet together and take decision to run the Learning Center smoothly and most effectively. The teacher of the Learning Center follows their decision. The teacher also arranges Nature Study for the kids of her Learning Center once in a month. 

Objectives of CDIP’s Educational Support Program: 

  • Reduce the number of primary school dropouts. 
  • To help the kids to prepare their class lessons, inspire them to take care of themselves by practicing personal hygiene every day, enhance their practical knowledge by attending Nature Study and respecting elderly members of their family. 
  • Implement Innovative practices for the betterment of the society. 

Status of our educational Program (As of 31st March,2023):  

Working Branches:


Total education center:  




Education Supervisor


Boy Students: Varies month to month. In march 2023 number of boy students:


Girl Students: Varies month to month. In march 2023 number of girl students:


Total Students: Varies month to month. In march 2023 number of total students:



SISOK(শিক্ষা সহায়তা কর্মসূচী):

SISOK started in 2005, at a remote village named Salimgonj in Brahmanbaria district with the objective of providing tuition services to the kids of illiterate and poor parents, so that they may prepare their school lessons for the following day. Since then we are operating SISOK in 2570 centers. Because of its innovative approach and massive success more than 250 of PKSF‘s partner organization and ASA implemented similar program following our learning centers’ structure. SISOK has been recognized as role model for non-formal education program.

Back in 2005, we started this program with only 10 Learning Centers (LC) in the remote villages under Brammanbaria district. From the very beginning, we have observed a huge response from the students and their guardians. The number of learning centers has gone up exponentially since its inception. Our main aim is to support the regular syllabus followed by the schools and prepare students for their classes for the next day. This program has massively helped students to grow interest towards school and has tremendously helped them to improve their results.

Under SISOK house-wives, mothers or female college students who have some years of schooling sets up an education center. We offer them Tk. 800 per month to gather 20-25 poor kids of grade I and II at any house of the village to start a learning center and teach them for 2 hours each day, just to help them prepare their lessons and homework for the next day. In addition to our honorarium she also collects Tk. 50-80 per child per month. But depending on the financial situation of participating student many gets the tuition for free. 


This increases the participation of the student. The arrangement has worked like a magic. The children have not only attended the extended classes for 2 hours in the afternoon, but also, they have increased class attendance at schools at their own interest.

These education volunteers/teachers have earned a lot of respect in the village and the society as a whole.This innovative non-formal education program truly changed lives of thousands of underprivileged children. SISOK is not only an educational program but also a community engagement and awareness raising platform.